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August 13th, 2019 'Message from the Governor regarding Typhoon No. 10'
令和元年8月13日 台風第10号に関する情報

Message from the Governor regarding Typhoon No. 10
To the residents of Mie Prefecture,
   The Japan Meteorological Agency forecasts that Typhoon No. 10 (Krosa) will be approaching Western Japan around August 14th and 15th. Strong winds and heavy rain should be expected in Mie over an extended period of time due to the slow moving speed of Typhoon No. 10.
   Please be on alert for intense winds, heavy rain, high waves from the coast, landslides, river flooding, and flooding in low-lying areas. Avoid going outdoors, near the coastline, rivers, or any location deemed unsafe during the typhoon.
   The storm is anticipated to arrive during the Obon travel season. Please pay attention to the latest information regarding suspended public transportation services and event cancellations, and plan accordingly.
   Stay connected with disaster information provided by Mie Prefecture through BOSAIMIE.jp and with the Japan Meteorological Agency. Be sure to also check with your local area and travel destinations.
   The municipalities will notify residents of evacuation information using the Alert Level (Keikai Level) system. We ask that you please evacuate promptly and as instructed by your local municipality when the Alert Level is announced. Please be sure to take the appropriate measures to ensure your own safety during the typhoon.
Eikei Suzuki
Governor of Mie Prefecture
August 13th, 2019

原文 http://www.pref.mie.lg.jp/STAISAKU/HP/m0099500012_00007.htm


三重県 環境生活部 ダイバーシティ社会推進課 多文化共生班 〒514-0009 
津市羽所町700番地(アスト津3階 みえ県民交流センター内)

